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The charm of an ice cream in 90s...

Are you a 90s kid..???

Then I am sure you can relate to it.

Most of us spent our summer vacations at our nani's house or dadi's house.

I remember one such vacation.

My brother and I went to our dadi's house (grandparent's ) in the hottest month of May to celebrate my birthday and spend our summer vacations.

Yeaa.. I am a May baby!

My grandparents( Maa and baba) live in a village...they still do actually but ofcourse it's not the same as it was in our childhood.We had no shop in our village. In case you wanted any of those fancy things like chocolate (coin shaped), toffees(panras,mango), parle-g biscuits you had to go to the nearby tehsil.

There you could find a small bazar or market with shops with shed in front made of hay and mud.

Maa told us that an icecream seller comes twice everyweek these days.

And you can imagine the excitement we had as 10 or 11 years old kids. We were waiting so eagerly for him that we spent the whole day playing outside in the hot sun. Just so we don't miss him by any chance.

And the whole day went by like that.He never came. We were so disappointed that we had an early's early anyways in light in those days and we slept.

The next two days went by as usual,playing with the kids, going to the temple, meeting the people...baba(grandfather) and maa's(grandmother) friends.

It was Friday...the icecream seller used to come on Tuesday and Friday.

We were again very excited and waited for him the same way...well we had nothing much to do anyways..just eat ,play and enjoy.

We heard him shouting kulfi lelo..kulfi....

And we ran to our baba...baba buy us icecream please.

We could choose orange,mango or milk.

I chose the orange one. In those days it used to come without any wrapper. It was stick icecream...chuski lekr khani thi...

I tasted it with all the happiness bubblying inside me!!

I know you must be thinking ...waah maja aagya....!

Guess what...!!!

It tasted salty....khare....made with the salty water of handpump...

My little heart was all crushed...!

Hahaha...! This was a memorable incident of my childhood.

My daughter just had her first icecream and it was the incident I could remember...It made me wonder those were the days...

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