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How To Conduct A Mid-Year Self Reflection

We are half way through the year and still in the pandemic in India. Things are going back to normal but our plans are changed...or I should say we were forced to change because of the situation. Now it's the perfect time for you to conduct a Mid -Year Self Reflection for your self.

Why do you need a Mid- Year Self Reflection?

First of all why I am not calling it self review or revaluation. Self Review is only about your performance while self reflection seeks insight about yourself and your behaviour,values,knowledge and growth.

It gives you the time and space to actually sit down, breathe and look into the last 6 months that have gone by with a speed of light. Yes, you heard my right we live in a time where everything is so fast.Your phone is constantly buzzing with social media update.

So when you take time for doing this mid-year self reflection, you actually move a step in the direction of your dream life.

You don't believe me! but here goes the saying-

"Reflection enables us to evaluate experience,learn from mistakes, repeat successes, revise and plan"- Sherry Swain

Benefits of Conducting a Mid-Year Self Reflection

There are many benefits of conducting a mid-year self reflection.

Some of the benefits are-

  • Decide if your strategy towards your goals are working.

  • Decide if you are procrastinating some major things in your life.

  • Understand the challenges and mistakes.

  • What did you achieve and how often you were efficient?

If you are still reading then I assume that you are interested in doing a Mid-Year Self Reflection.

Now I would like you to stop.. yes stop here and find atleast 2 to 3 hrs of free time before moving forward.

Set up a place and mood for yourself, free from all the work and chaos. Light up a candle if you want and relax.Take a pen and paper with you.

Lets start...

How to conduct a Mid-Year Self Reflection

I would like you to here consider few questions in following categories.


Like everyone else I am sure you must have setup some goals for yourself in the beginning of the year. Now let's talk about these goals.

  1. What were my goals at the starting of the year

  2. Are my goals still the same?

  3. Have my goals changed?

  4. If changed then why did my goals changed?

  5. How has my goals changed? What are the changes in my goal?

  6. Did I finish my goals in time?

We setup goals for ourselves in various fields like personal, professional, health,finance or self care.

Sometimes we stick to them and sometimes we fail to do so for reasons that may not be in our hands.So our goals can change.

We may find interest in other things and the previous goals may not be relevant.

It is the time for you to set up goals if you have not.

If your goals has changed then set up new goals for yourself.


It is very important that we look at our achievements.

Looking at what you achieved during the last 6 months helps you to reflect on your action.

  1. What were my achievements?

  2. What were the things and actions that helped me in achieving my goals?

  3. What were the goals that I reached in time?

  4. What habits were good for me in achieving my goals?

  5. What were some actions or behaviours that were in my way of reaching my goal in time?

Only those who dare to fail greatly can achieve greatly.- Robert F. Kennedy

Even if you have failed in achieving don't be afraid. You are on the right path. This mid-year self reflection will give you a perspective to change things.


Challenges are the part of us growing and thriving. There is no success if you have never faced any challenge.

  1. What were the challenges that I faced in achieving my goals?

  2. What was the reason for those challenges?

  3. How did I manage to face the challenges?

  4. What was my behaviour,action and attitude when I faced a challenge?

  5. What can I do to prevent those challenges from happening again?

  6. What were some challenges that I was not able to conquer?

Learning and Mistakes

Leadership and learning go hand in hand.A good leader is one who always learns either from his own mistakes or others.

  1. What did I learn from my mistakes and achievements?

  2. What have I learned about my passion?

  3. What have I learned from my goals?

  4. What did I learn from the challenges I faced?

Learning will help you in improving yourself.


You have finally finished the most important task of this Mid-Year Self Reflection exercise.

Now you can redefine your goals,make the necessary changes,learn new skills that you require and be ready to set up the next 6 months of your life with a boom.

Here I have talked about only macro part of the reflection. You can do this type of reflection for every part of your life be it finance,health or emotions.

Self Reflection comes with patience and openness.

Self Reflection boosts your productivity.

I would say that always make time for it every 6 months in depth and quaterly for few goals.

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